Written In The Stars

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Sunshine baker Wendy x Grumpy queen Irene

Idk what else to say other than enjoy reading this fluff vomit i conjured LMAO

It kinda turned into crack at the end

heads up:

Katy - Yeri

Peter- Suho 

Yeonnie- Jeongyeon


I felt bad for the angst story I posted so lets post some fluff for the WR nation 


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Reiions_ #1
Chapter 1: this is so cutee
Chapter 1: cute and more cute! the medicine my doctor prescribed me!
1801 streak #3
Chapter 1: Haha how cute and fluffy this story is!
Riscark #4
Chapter 1: Nah, cause at the beginning it felt like crack fic, then it hit me in my feeling with straight fluff, then BAM the crack is back to finish it 🤣